Yousoon awaits you for a meeting full of promise. On the site, no useless blah-blah and easy matchmaking based on interests. At the start of the pandemic, women's dating sites were experiencing a boom in user numbers. Bars, restaurants and other "traditional" meeting places were all more or less closed. Dating sites, already on an upward slope in terms of user numbers, expanded even further. Beyond the health crisis, why are these sites so successful? There are many other reasons why digital dating has become the new playground for lovers. These include a single man's busy schedule, shyness, fear of disappointing encounters... With a dating site, there's no need to scour showrooms or go to concerts to make contact with a woman. No need to talk unless you want to. And there's no obligation to see a particular person. The dating site lets you get close to a single woman in just a few clicks.

Put the odds in your favor for a great encounter

The Yousoon dating app offers you the chance to meet a woman with complete peace of mind. How does it work? First, learn how to make your profile more attractive by visiting the site. When you register, make sure you're at your best by filling in your profile correctly. Remember that first impressions can be very important for some women. So don't hesitate to say what you want, what you don't want... Be honest and true. Don't hesitate to add a touch of humor. It can help your profile stand out. And don't forget to remain courteous at all times. This work enables Yousoon to offer you a profile of a single woman you're likely to like. In fact, the application is the first to match users according to their interests. In this way, Yousoon hopes to create serious encounters. Mention the body type and social status you're looking for. Yousoon will then be able to find the rare pearl that will put stars in your eyes. And don't worry about talking to men hiding under a fake woman's profile when you're on Yousoon. On the dating app, profiles are verified. So don't be alarmed if you think your information is going to be used fraudulently. Yousoon guarantees data confidentiality.

A place and ideas for your first date

Now that you've talked to a profile that particularly appeals to you, perhaps you'd like to take the plunge? In other words, meet the person with whom you have a particularly good "feeling"? To make your first date a success, and why not a first step towards new encounters in the real world, Yousoon makes your life easier. Thanks to a geolocation option, the site suggests a location halfway between the places you frequent. This removes one potential obstacle to a great encounter! Running out of ideas for a night out? Yousoon also presents you with a series of suitable venues. Concert halls, exhibition halls, cinemas, restaurants... If you feel like it, you can even take a simple tour of the surrounding area. And perhaps, for example, take a stroll along the quays, if there are any to be had? Worried about being spotted on the app? You may be seen when you visit a dating app. If you want to browse discreetly, there's an option on Yousoon that lets you exclude certain areas from your geolocation. You no longer have to worry about your close circle of friends seeing you on the women's dating site. Yousoon wants everyone to have their own little secret garden! Would you like to be put in touch easily with a single woman? Would you like to meet her based on your interests? If so, you know what you have to do! See you soon on Yousoon!