The various confinements had put them on hold for a while. But now they're gradually coming back! "They? First dates, of course! You know, the ones that allow you to see the other person for the first time, and possibly plan to continue the adventure together. Is it your turn to have that famous first date? Congratulations, you've made the leap from the virtual to the real world! But maybe you're a little stressed at the idea of meeting someone for the first time? Here are a few tips to help you make the most of your first date.
Come without preconceptions
It's best to arrive at your appointment without doing too much research on the person you're about to meet. As the saying goes: "Don't do unto others as you would have them do unto you", put yourself in the shoes of the person you're about to meet. Would you like her to go on a Sherlock Holmes search on the web to find out about you? Wouldn't you be embarrassed to know that she might have seen some old, less-than-glowing photos of you on a now-obsolete Skyrock blog, for example? So learn to preserve your privacy and that of others. To do this, avoid "googling" the person you're about to meet. You can usually find information about them on search engines or social networks. These may be posts sent by the person themselves. It could also be conversations or articles about them. At a time when the lives of many of us are spread out over the web, be careful not to form any preconceived ideas. So don't go looking for this information before your first date. Otherwise, avoid asking her a whole bunch of questions related to your research on your first date. This could make her feel uncomfortable.
Arrive on time
Don't be like Hugh Grant, a habitual latecomer and blunderer in the film "Four Weddings and a Funeral". Arriving on time allows you to feel relaxed and confident. It also shows your partner that you're reliable and trustworthy. So your date gets off to a good start. To arrive on time, plan to arrive on average a quarter of an hour early. If you arrive very early for your appointment, don't hesitate to visit the surrounding area. It's a great way to get some fresh air and relax. You'll also avoid the risk of being seen lining up at the door of the establishment where you have your appointment. If you can't make it in time, text your date as soon as possible to say you're sorry. This will show him that you care about him and this meeting. Don't forget the adage: "Politeness is the prerogative of kings."
Dressing up (but not too much)
The question of clothing is often paramount before a first date. What should I wear? Always try to look your best. Of course, you also need to adapt your clothes to the style of the place you're going to. For example, if you're going to meet in a trendy bar, you'll want to dress more casually, whereas if you're going to meet in a chic restaurant, you'll want to dress more conservatively. For men, there's no need to wear a tuxedo for every occasion. For the ladies, there's no need for excessive make-up. There's no such thing as too much. It's all a question of tact and dosage. The most important thing is to feel comfortable in your outfit and adapt it to the circumstances. It also gives you a little more self-confidence.
Use humor sparingly
Humor is a sensitive topic on the first date. For example, a recent survey indicates that well-managed humor can get a person a second date. Conversely, 84 % of women and 64 % of men surveyed consider that a poor sense of humor can end a relationship. So be careful when you're trying to make people laugh. Avoid, for example, going off on endless antics right from the start of your date. They risk making the other person uncomfortable, or sending them into a fit of giggles, for reasons that aren't necessarily the right ones. Remember that humor is first and foremost a profession. Not everyone handles humor in the same way. Some people are good at it, others not so much. Some people are more receptive than others. But how do you lighten the mood without making it heavy? It's a good idea to use the "private jokes" you've heard on the dating site. This creates continuity between your virtual and real conversations. It also makes for more natural, less forced exchanges. You should also pay close attention to your partner's reaction to your jokes. You'll learn more about how he or she takes your jokes. And you'll be able to continue or adapt them more appropriately.
Be yourself
If there were only one piece of advice left, it would be this: be yourself! That's how you show the other person that you're ready for a good relationship. That's easier said than done. Above all, it requires a little work on yourself before the first date. To get there authentically and serenely, ask yourself a few questions beforehand. Ask yourself what your strengths and weaknesses are. This will give you a better idea of your current potential and limitations. Also, try to understand what worked well in your previous romantic encounters and what didn't work so well. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes again. Ask yourself what you really want from this date and this encounter. This will enable you to arrive at your date in a more enlightened frame of mind. Finally, to bring out your personality, you can choose a meeting place that particularly inspires you. For example, why not go to a bar you know well? You'll feel more comfortable in your element. When you meet, be relaxed too. Your personality will come out more easily. Learn to laugh at yourself. For example, did you drop a tomato while eating a hamburger? That's okay, just laugh about it! And simply enjoy the moment. Enjoy your first date!