Today, there are 26% single women and 42% single men in France. And this number is rising all the time, and has certainly not been reduced in recent months as a result of the pandemic we are going through and the repeated confinements. While some people are alone by choice, a large number of singles say they are looking for love at first sight, for the relationship that will change their daily lives and enable them to start building a life together. That's why more and more people are using dating websites and apps. But is it really possible to find love on the internet? virtual dating applications ? How can you be sure you're not wasting your time and, above all, not disappointed by a virtual encounter? Unfortunately, there is no magic formula, and facing disappointment when looking for love is almost inevitable. However, you can put all your chances on your side by taking the time to get to know the people you're meeting. Virtual dating may seem easier, especially for shy people, but it's not necessarily for everyone: some people need time to open up, aren't very good at putting themselves forward or are reticent about the idea of revealing themselves to another person via a telephone or computer. Taking the time to talk and get to know each other without rushing things is therefore essential. The choice of dating site on which you want to make a virtual encounter is also very important: some sites are based solely on physical criteria, for example, which leaves little room for emotional love and the creation of affinities, which are essential for building a stable and lasting relationship. We therefore advise you to use a virtual dating site such as Yousoon, which directs you directly to people with whom you have a good relationship. common interestsIt's a great way to avoid disappointment. Not only will this help you avoid disappointment, it will also give you ideas for conversation topics that will help you get away from the basic "Hi, how are you?" that rarely leads anywhere.
Slow dating
The romantic meetings cause us a great deal of excitement and impatience. All too often, we tend to rush into things without taking the time to get to know the person in front of us, whether through a virtual meeting or face-to-face. While the excitement of getting to know someone for the first time is perfectly understandable, it can quickly become self-sabotaging: knowing very little about the person you are planning to make a long-term commitment to can be the cause of many disappointments. For this reason, "slow dating" is becoming increasingly popular, both in France and abroad. Coming straight from the United States, this concept is based on taking your time when you meet someone virtually, as opposed to what dating websites offer, which are based on rapid-fire meetings and a sea of profiles that scroll past without you taking the time to look at them. The aim: to learn to really discover the people with whom you seem to have an affinity, whether you've met them professionally, as a friend, or on a dating app. This method is perfect and very healthy. It allows you to reveal yourself little by little, as you go along, creating a relationship of trust and friendship before considering moving on to something more serious. How does slow dating work in practice? It's very simple: once you've met someone you like and who seems to meet your expectations, all you have to do is take your time and make sure you don't rush into anything. If it's a virtual meeting on a website or an app, you can choose to chat online or to meet quickly if you prefer this type of configuration. However, there's no question here of considering the first meeting as the beginning of the relationship. There should be no pressure, and this meeting should remain a phase of discovery and seduction during which you and your partner learn to tame each other gently.
How do you go from the virtual to the real?
This is the problem faced by many users of dating sites: the transition from virtual to real encounters is daunting. You're afraid of disappointing the other person, of not meeting their expectations, of not knowing what to say to each other: an obstacle that, unfortunately, is responsible for the end of many relationships that could have led to something concrete and stable. Here are a few tips to help you take the plunge with greater peace of mind:
- Don't rush things: if you don't feel ready yet, explain to your interviewer that you need a little more time. A negative reaction is possible, but it also reveals a lot about the person's personality.
- Choose a public place, perhaps one you already know and feel comfortable in: this will allow you to release a little of the pressure on your first date.
- If you're really nervous about this meeting, you could organise a meal with a few friends, with the agreement of the person you're talking to, of course. It's a great way to feel more relaxed.
- Try not to put too much pressure on yourself: this first meeting doesn't commit you to anything, it can lead to something more serious, to a beautiful friendship or to a pleasant memory, there's no obligation. That's also the principle of "slow dating".
Easier said than done, right? Don't worry, we understand perfectly well that the transition from virtual to real encounters can be intimidating. That's why it's important to take your time and, above all, to communicate. Are you stressed? Worried about disappointing the person you're talking to? Talk to them about it, they probably have similar feelings and will undoubtedly be able to help you put things into perspective. Communication is an essential part of any relationship, and this applies from the very first meeting, from the very first conversations. And don't forget: Yousoon allows you to discover people with whom you have affinities, so you're bound to have some good topics of conversation to break the ice!