The problem with French-speaking dating sites and apps is that you often meet people who live in France or Belgium, even though you live in Switzerland, and vice versa. While the language barrier is not a problem, it does complicate matters a great deal, whether you're looking to meet or plan a future together. Thanks to the Swiss dating filter offered on our Yousoon mobile application, you can be sure of meeting someone who lives in the same country as you and therefore shares your lifestyle.

An easy way to meet new people

Feeling like you've done the rounds of your circle of friends or your professional environment, and you want to meet new people? Meeting new people in Switzerland just got a whole lot easier when you use an application like Yousoon. Free and intuitive, our app lets you meet people who live or work in the same geographical area as you and who share your interests, guaranteeing you long and fascinating discussions, whether on the app or during a meeting in Switzerland in the location of your choice. Yousoon is also an ideal solution for people who have just arrived in a new country and don't yet know anyone locally. Thanks to our application, you'll be able to meet people in Switzerland and easily find someone to chat with, go out with and spend time with, so you can enjoy your new life in this new country as much as possible! It's a simple, straightforward way to meet people with whom you share similar interests, whether you're looking to find love or make friends.

How do I use the dating app in Switzerland?

Once you've downloaded our free app onto your smartphone (it's available on iOS and Adroïd), simply follow the steps and let us guide you. First, the app will suggest that you complete your profile. Far from being trivial, this step will enable other users of the app to learn more about you and see if you seem to have any chemistry, so it's this step that will make other people want to contact you and start a conversation. We therefore advise you to be perfectly honest and to remain yourself: this is the best way to make a meeting in Switzerland that will lead to something concrete. Once you've completed your profile, you can launch your own search by entering your criteria in the application, such as your geographical area, the type of person you're looking for, the type of relationship you'd like to create or your interests. This valuable information will help our algorithm to ensure that it only matches you with people with whom you are most likely to have something in common. To help you make a first date in Switzerland that will lead to a friendship or more, we can also offer you a list of suitable places to meet in your area: bars, cinemas, theaters, restaurants, etc. Want to meet someone with whom you can share a good time? Install our Yousoon application on your smartphone, fill in your profile and start the conversation: pleasant surprises await you!